Work With Me

Angel Numbers: What Are They and What Do They Mean?

Aug 01, 2020



Finally making this post about my favorite topic. Angel numbers. Yay!

I get soooo many messages daily about this topic - so I wanted to create this unofficial guide for you all. Before I begin - I want to remind you that I am not the final judgement, I am in no means an expert (honestly, who is), and I created this post based off of my own experience and other things I have read and learned from over the years. now that we have that out of the way…

What even are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are reoccurring number sequences that are signs from angels, the universe, your guides…insert your own beliefs here. They can appear in many different ways, but you may have started seeing one number in particular. You may have started seeing them by waking up in the middle of the night “randomly” at a specific time. This is because in order to really see them - you first have to be aware of them! I could be wrong - but I feel like 11:11 is typically the first one people start to see. I mean, does anyone else remember being a kid and saying, “11:11 make a wish!” I’m still guilty of that, ha!

Before I go into the meanings - I think it’s important that we talk about and understand numerology. Numerology is a form of divination and it talks about the connection between numbers, events, people, and circumstances. At the core of it is the belief that numbers are a universal language and that the universe is mathematically precise.

The Meanings



Expansion. Waking up to new awareness. Alignment. You are ready for new. Remember - you attract your energetic vibration. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings at this time - you are creating your own reality. Have confidence. You are ready. Release and let go of the past to create room for the expansion. Be authentic. Get ready so you can seize new opportunities.



Alignment. Harmony. In the right place, at the right time. You hold the power for creation. Divine timing. Take action to manifest. Creation. Cooperation. Connect and harmoize the mind and the body.



Connection. Co-creation. You are protected, spirit is with you. Divinity. It’s time for you to make a decision. Speak your truth. Share with and learn from others. Use your gifts + talents to help.



Stability. You are supported. On the right track. Trust. Strong manifestation number. Listen to your intuition, there are no coincidences



Change is coming. Things are shifting. Transformation. A reminder that you are a divine being having a human experience. Change is a chance to grow. Life happens for you, not to you. Trust your choices. Make sure you have good intentions. Remain open and optimistic.



Pay attention and realign - you are out of alignment with your true self and the universe (pay attention to your thoughts and how they are making you feel, or what you are feeling…is it aligned with love and the highest good?). Your thoughts and words are manifesting. Your attitude determines everything. As within, so without.



Trust. Reassurance. Keep going, don’t stop. Your awareness is increasing. You have learned much and are ready to put that knowledge into practice. Master number and strong manifestation number. Spiritual growth. Good luck. Good fortune. Miracles.



Abundance. Money. Wisdom. Flow. Get ready to receive. Leveling up. The world is a mirror and what you send out comes back. Abundance mindset. You are attracting opportunities to you.



Let go. Cycle completion. Transition. What are you clinging to? (Pay attention to the mental tape or story that you are replaying when you see it). Release control and trust that there is something better for you. Be in service. Forgive. Embrace the new that is trying to come in.



Clean slate. Fresh starts and new chances.



Awakening. Pay attention. Portal opening. “Re”member yourself. Make a wish. Set an intention. Messages from loved ones who have passed. You are awakening to your true self (and we are always awakening).


Other numbers of note…

10:10 - the ending of a cycle. Don’t be afraid to rest, but keep going. Don’t stop.

12:12 - spiritual upgrade. Manifestation number. Growth. Stay positive. You are in a powerful vibration right now.


So how do we interpret them?

For me - the key is to pay attention to my thoughts, what I am doing. or who I am with when I see them. I believe that while each number has a universal meaning…only YOU can truly know what it means…because you are the only one who truly knows your life and your situation. Stay open. Stay connected. Acknowledge them when you see them. You will start to see more!

So excited for you and sending you so much love, as always.

xo. C.

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